Parkland: Why it Happened and How to Change it
It happened again. 17 students killed, many wounded. Something has to change. We are the strongest nation in the world but weakest in controlling killers.
God has a solution.
I’m no politician or weapons specialist. I don’t know anything about terrorism or tactics.
I know hearts. I’ve pastored people for many years.
Why did it happen?
1. Rejection
The alleged shooter was angry over being expelled (rightly) from the school he attacked. When Cain allowed himself to feel rejected by God, he attacked his brother who he saw as the source of his pain.
The only hope for this shooter was affirmation. He needed a father, a mentor, a coach. We cannot control the anger of rejection, we must overcome it with acceptance.
2. Bitterness
The shooter’s mother (his only parent) died 3 1/2 months ago with pneumonia. He was left parentless and alone. Did he blame God? Did he become furious and angry at God and all His world?
We all experience loss. Having God and His Word surrounding us give us peace and purpose. The shooter drowned in an ocean of bitterness.
3. Imaginations
The shooter was living in an imaginary world. He had seen this scene on the news over and over. He perhaps had played violent video games. He was so thorough in his attack he had obviously studied special forces techniques with no military training.
Parents must monitor what their children are digesting into their mental world. “And God saw…every thought and IMAGINATION of man’s heart was only evil continually…” (Gen. 6:5, KJV).
“We must reach out in love, acceptance, and affirmation to every young person.”
1. Adjust to the new America.
9/11 changed us all. Homeland Security began. Our world forever changed. For some reason, however, we still see our malls, schools, churches, and concerts as safe havens. NOT ANY MORE.
In the future, we will perhaps see towers in parking lots, fences around properties, armed officers at entrances, and facial recognition software at every classroom building. It is exactly what we would do if our nation was under attack. And it is.
2. Become spiritual parents to detached youth.
Heads up, everybody. We must reach out in love, acceptance, and affirmation to every young person. We must give them a sense of family even when they have lost theirs.
Ask God to help you notice a young person who He has sent to you. You may prevent a Parkland.
3. Disconnect from the tyranny of technology.
Get off your phone and notice your kids. Play outside instead of being glued to a tv. Take your kids on outings (camping, field trips, date nights) instead of living apart in the same house all day.
Monitor violent input. Teach them tenderness, compassion, and generosity to others. Bring them to situations where they can demonstrate love and mercy.
Parkland was terrible beyond description. So was Las Vegas and Boston. We CAN take our nation back from the enemy who invented hate and violence…the devil himself.