This is How You Restore Your Past
RESTORATION. I love that word. It speaks of hope, of past mistakes being made up for.
God is a God of restoration. He doesn’t ignore failure. He gives us the courage to face failure and defeat what defeated us.
Try these ideas about restoring your past failures:
1. Own it.
Blaming others is the worst thing you can do about past failures. We can all come up with excuses and failures of others. “Own it.”
As long as your past is only about other’s mistakes, your past will control you. The moment you take responsibility for failure you control your past.
2. Return it.
Failure came from somewhere. Some genesis, some beginning point started the whole sordid mess. Destroy that rebellious thought in your heart that corrupted your marriage, business, relationship, or ministry.
Now, “return it.” Take the ashes of that idol and deposit them right back where they were built. Bring Satan’s junk right back to him and drop it in his face.
3. Live it.
Now, you have started over. You’ve dealt with your failure and returned it to it’s starting point. Don’t stop there. Find any relationship or tributary that has been tainted by your failure.
Track down anyone and everyone who was affected by your failure. Ask their forgiveness. Be totally determined that you will not stop until you have cleansed, disinfected, and treated the deadly infection poisoning your life and reputation.
“As long as your past is only about other’s mistakes, your past will control you.”
4. Replace it.
Rebuild your life. Find a Scripture promise that will help you to rebuild that area of your life that failed. Memorize it. Quote it. Claim it.
Nothing can restore your mind and heart like the Bible. It is God’s “thoughts” about your future. You must rebuild and strengthen that area you failed in so that you never have to go through this whole process again.
5. Forget it.
True restoration is only complete when your conscience is clean. God said “your sins and iniquities I will remember no more” (Heb. 10:17).
If God has “forgotten”it, so should you. Every time the enemy tries to bring it up again, speak out loud about the blood of Jesus. Remind Satan that your conscience is clean, his power is defeated, and your new life has begun.
I believe in Biblical, accountable restoration. No one has a “magic wand” to wave over your failures. You must put in the hard work it takes to truly be restored.
Own it.
Return it.
Live it.
Replace it.
Forget it.
This simple formula will bring you true freedom, true forgiveness, true restoration!