The Spirit Of Division And How To Defeat It

Recently in prayer, in my mind, I saw a very leafy tree.  Suddenly, almost imperceptibly, I saw the head of a snake peek out of the tree and then pull his head right back inside the foliage.  He was trying to remain undetected.

Instantly, my mind heard, “The spirit of division.”

The Holy Spirit spoke to me that Satan has released a spirit of division to divide marriages, families, churches, cities, and nations in 2020.

He’ll hide from you.  He’ll sow seeds of imaginations.  He’ll give you words of slander, gossip, and even profanity to offend.

How do we defeat it?

First, we must recognize it.

  • Satan hides in thoughts, in imaginations.  

  • He suggested to Eve that God was unfair.  She believed him.  Her subsequent words to Adam started the fire of sin that has burned uncontrollably for thousands of years.

  • Jesus said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan.” He recognized the voice of Satan speaking through Peter’s rebuke about the cross.  

Second, we must control our words.

  • Recognize it whenever a thought or an imagination condemns or becomes offended by or plans retaliation against someone.  

  • Don’t connect that thought to your words!  The spirit of division then loses all power to use a word to sow division.  

  • James said, “The tongue is a fire…it sets on fire the wheel of life” (James 3: 6). 

  • The tongue can commit spiritual arson!  Every unbridled word that was inspired by the spirit of division has the potential to “burn the woods down.”

Third, we must also watch what we write.

  • Most people will hesitate to speak a divisive word face-to-face to another person. 

  • They will, however, hide behind an email, a text, a post, or a comment.  They will release every foul gossip, slander, blasphemy, back-biting, and even profanity their imagination can conjure.

  • That’s America 2020.  We are in a cross-fire of division on an unprecedented scale.  The spirit of division has free access to millions of people who are hooking their “keyboard” to everything the spirit of division composes for them.

  • Watch the power of social media.  It has its benefit but it also carries a whole new method of division never before seen on planet Earth:  “Anonymous destruction.”

Finally, use your words for blessing.

  • James reminded us that “out of the same mouth comes blessing and cursing” (James 3: 10).  We bless God then curse men who are in the image of God.

  • I refuse to listen to people launching verbal “harpoons” across cyber-space.  It is “deadly poison” (James 3: 8) far more deadly than strychnine or mustard gas.

  • Yield your tongue to the Holy Spirit.  He is the “Spirit of unity.”  

  • Go to your brother face to face if he has offended you with the goal of being reconciled.

Now, we’re exposing the snake. When we use our mouth to bless, he has nowhere to hide.


One blessing at a time.


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