Your 28 Day Plan For Personal (And National) Revival

This month is critical for our nation’s destiny.

I want to give you a simple plan for your spiritual revival in the next 28 days.  It will be four weeks, four different emphases. 

America can only change if I CHANGE.

Here are the four weeks, starting with this week:

  1. REPENTANCE” (Oct. 5-11)

    This week, we will focus every morning on our personal transparency before God.  We are asking the Holy Spirit to make us aware of things we may have fallen into.  He may show you some things that surprise you.

    We all have developed “miniature idols” in our hearts:  personal hobbies, material goods, forms of entertainment, and secret sins we have installed as “idols” in our hearts.

    Start this personal revival with morning prayer by tearing these idols down!  Every day, ask the Spirit of God to reveal to us the things in our lives that do not please Him…and remove them.

  2. RETURNING” (Oct. 12-18)

    After cleansing our hearts, we now turn to pursue God with ALL of our hearts.

    Joel said, “Yet even now,” declares the Lord, return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning; and rend your hearts and not your garments.  Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and merciful” (2: 12-13).

    One way I like to do this is to turn away from my “physical” appetite and replenish my “spiritual” appetite.  I spend one day, all day until supper, “fasting from food” and “feasting on God.”

    Why not try this during the second week?  Fast one day that week, one meal each day, or whatever you are able to do.  Tell God that He means more to you than food, social media, or whatever you turn away from to turn toward Him.

  3. RECONCILING” (Oct. 19-24)

    Our nation is starkly divided.  Terribly divided.  Old wounds have surfaced from deep burial places.  You can feel the prickly tension even when national leaders face off publicly.

    We need reconciliation.  Wounds only heal when there is openness, honesty, forgiveness, and change.  Marriages only heal when hearts become tender that have grown hard.

    Ask God this week to heal your relationships.  To open you up to conversations that heal.  To replace old attitudes and anger with dialogue, understanding, and apology.  

  4. REVIVAL” (Oct. 25-30)

    “Heal our land.”

    We know we have hundreds of denominations in America.  God can visit all of them.  Repentance, returning, and reconciliation WILL BRING REVIVAL.

    In this last week, we are praying for “healing.”  The Covid-19 pandemic has shown us how contagious sickness can be.  We need a religious revival that is more contagious than Covid-19!

    When divisions are healed, races are reconciled, idols are torn down, marriages are reconciled, old grudges are forgiven, CHURCHES WILL ONCE AGAIN BE FILLED.

    Let’s pray this final week for “healing.”  

Join me in prayer for a personal and national revival these next four weeks.  Here is our prayer:

God, forgive our personal and national sins against you, visit us in revival, reconcile our divisions, and heal our land.”


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