5 Enormous Ways That GRACE Makes All The Difference

Grace” is not just a cozy, snuggly word.  It carries awesome power.  It can transform your life, your character, your destiny.

Here are 5 ways grace will immeasurably affect you:

  1. GRACE will give you strength through adversity.

    We all go through tough days, tough times, hard scenarios.  They don’t seem to end.  They drag on for weeks, months, even years.

    My grace is sufficient” (2 Cor. 12:9).  Jesus said those simple words to Paul when he asked God about all the hardships he went through (beatings, shipwrecks, dangers, attacks.)

  2. GRACE will give you a confident sense of total forgiveness.

    “Grace” is not “goodness.”  We all try to be good.  We all try to impress God.  None of it really counts.

    The only thing that God recognizes is His grace demonstrated on the cross.  On the cross, Jesus carried 100% of my sin.  I’m either altogether forgiven or not forgiven at all.

  3. GRACE is God’s deposit of His special abilities in you.

    Some people call them “talents, gifts.”  It is something special you can do that others struggle to do.  

    That’s your “grace.”  It’s easy, relaxed normalcy about what others consider hard.  Like public speaking.  Like public singing.  Like organization or administration. Like caring for the poor, even “hilarious” giving. 

    God’s gifts are many and varied.  You’ve got some of them.  Find out what they are and be confident to execute those things with “grace.”

  4. GRACE will keep you from arrogance.

    God opposes the proud but GIVES GRACE to the humble” (James 4:6).  There is one thing that puts you on God’s “list of things to judge”:  PRIDE.  

    Just ask Satan.  Self-righteous, stinking (even religious) pride, holier-than-thou, nose-in-the-air PRIDE got swifter justice from God throughout the Bible than anything else.

    When I humble myself, when I apologize, when I ask for forgiveness, when I take the lower road, when I give God all the credit, God “gives me more grace.”

  5. GRACE will help you forgive.

    If I could total the sum of my forgiven sins, it would break the computer.

    Why are we so prone to keep such impeccable records of the slightest infractions others make toward us?

    Ask God for grace to forgive.  

    Ask Him to give you just a little flicker of the light of grace that shines upon you.  You will quickly let go of other’s failures the moment you meditate upon how God forgave your own.

    Some have distorted grace to be a blank check to live an unaccountable life and still make it to heaven.

    That’s weak.  Grace is not weak.  It’s strong stuff.  

It stiffens your faith in adversity.
It gives you power over condemnation.  
It gives you confidence in your giftings.  
It keeps you from falling.  
It helps you forgive others.

Ask God for “more grace.”  

Spread out your arms like a funnel wherever you are right now and ask God to pour out His abundant grace upon and through you!


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