10 Irrefutable Signs That You Are Finally Growing Up


That simple statement means it is time to put aside childish ways.  Ephesians 4 and 5 give us 10 indicators that you are finally starting to “grow up.”

  1. Stop lying and tell the truth.

    Lying is insecurity, plain and simple.  It is a fear of rejection. 

    Being truthful comes from relaxing in your identity.  You are totally free from pleasing everyone.  “Grow up” and start being totally honest.

  2. Pursue reconciliation instead of anger.

    Anger is immature.  Babies throw fits and tantrums.  It is a form of intimidation and manipulation.

    Seek common ground with people instead of your way.  Work through conflicts instead of blowing up.  “Grow up, don’t blow up.”

  3. Stop stealing and start giving.

    When I covet, I steal.  My desires are controlling me.  I want what’s yours instead of being content with what’s mine.

    Real maturity is seeking to add, not subtract. It’s seeking to give, not take.  Be a giver.

  4. Speak grace instead of profanity.

    People who curse have small vocabularies.  They are frustrated with everyone and cannot have difficult conversations.

    It takes effort to build people up with words.  Be kind, speak well, use words to describe that you are  frustrated instead of curse words.

  5. Practice forgiveness instead of bitterness.

    Anyone can be bitter.  Internalizing and holding grudges.  Keeping score for years.

    Let it go.  Practice the way you want people (and God) to forgive you.  It’s time to grow up.

  6. Live purely, not promiscuously.

    Animals have no boundaries sexually.  Humans do.  God has made boundaries whereby the sexual relationship is confined to marriage.

    Honor someone else enough to marry them before engaging with them sexually.  Honor your spouse enough to keep your covenant vows.  

  7. Crude is rude.

    Crude jokes seem funny but are embarrassing.  Foolishness can be at someone else’s expense.  The world (and the Internet) are filled with filthy cut-downs and unthinkable adjectives.

    Clean it up.  Give thanks to God instead.  Praise instead of attack.  Attacking is not helping the healing.  Appreciate someone and don’t depreciate someone.

  8. Watch your intake.

    When a person gets a little “high” or drunk, they lose control.  Their tongue gets loose.  Their actions become unrestrained.

    Live in the Spirit.  Walk in the Spirit.  He can calm you down, satisfy you, and give you joy.  Grow up and quit having to depend on alcohol or drugs to give you hope.

  9. Show respect not dishonor.

    “Dissing” is the practice of dishonor.  A person who is made in the image of God should never be dishonored.  

    The more mature you are, honor becomes natural.   You see God’s nature inside every human being.

  10. Conquer selfishness.

    Love is selfless.  It is sacrificial.  Grownups have to sacrifice for their children.  

    Children grab and snatch.  They have tight fists.  It’s our natural, childish behavior.  

We  have to grow up and walk every minute in love.  

What is one area you can focus on until you feel like a “grown up” in that area?


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