Check Your Order In These 5 Areas To Improve Your Stability

“Order brings stability.”

Confusion, shortage, stress, disappointment, and broken relationships make your life feel unstable.

A gas pump that is not working has a sign on it that says “out of order.”  Traffic backs up and chaos ensues.

In the same way, God has laws that govern the order of the natural and spiritual world.  When our lives are “out of order,” everything becomes unstable and volatile.

Check out these 5 areas to be sure you are “in order”:

  1. Check out your PASSIONS.

    All of us have huge desires burning within us.  It’s alright when those passions are for Kingdom desires.  However, when that passion shifts toward what someone else possesses (their car, their home, their spouse, etc.), that is “out of order.”

    Don’t envy and be jealous of other’s possessions and lifestyle.  Draw a boundary line between what’s theirs and what is yours.  Stay inside your “lot” and quit gazing through the fence.  God can bless both you AND them AT THE SAME TIME!

  2. Check out your MOUTH.

    Words can get “out of order.”  They can cross a line.  When I get angry, when I secretly slander, when I get profane or when I lie my world starts to spin out of control.  My tongue is starting a “forest fire.”

    Reign in that tongue.  Put it back in it’s place (between your teeth).  The moment I control my tongue, the chaos starts to die down.  I can “pour water” on that tiny flame before it gets totally out of control.

  3. Check out your HEART.

    Harboring deep bitterness inside puts me “out of sorts.”  My attitudes toward someone who has cheated me, overlooked me, or rejected me can start controlling me.  

    Let it go.  The moment I hold on to a bitterness, I step into the chaos that controls their life.  Love them, humble yourself, be humble, meek and patient.  Keep your heart “in order.”

  4. Check out your MIND.

    Thoughts can go wild.  Speculation, fear, and anxiety will go “over the line.”  We start going places mentally we have no business going to.

    No wonder the Bible says to “take captive every thought to the obedience of Christ.”  If you are waking up in the night fearful of coming calamity, take that thought captive.  Refuse anything that is not “true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and worthy of praise” (Phil. 4: 8).  It is “out of order.”

  5. Check out your FAMILY.

    Husbands and wives who are fighting continually are out of order.  Children who are rebellious and disobedient are out of order.  Parents who provoke and discourage are out of order.

    Partners should submit to and love each other.   The very atmosphere of the home should be one of peace, preferring each other, and performing our roles.

    Live in order.  Put your finances, your cars, your home, your schedule in order.

Order brings stability.”  Let’s get to work restoring the walls of stability that encircle our lives!


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