Family, Leadership Larry Stockstill Family, Leadership Larry Stockstill

4 Major Tools That Will Help You to Forgive

All of us face hurt.

Some of us choose to forgive.

The rest of us live in bitterness.

How do you “forgive and forget?” We have a pretty good Example.

Jesus prayed, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

You will hopelessly hold on to hurt until you realize what He knew:

Forgiveness becomes easier when we realize our hurt is really Satan vs. God. People are just caught in the middle.”

How do you “forgive and forget?” We have a pretty good Example.

Here are 4 perspectives that will help you to forgive:

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Devotion Larry Stockstill Devotion Larry Stockstill

Secrets of a Renewed Mind

Is it possible that your thought life is holding you back? I’ve watched hundreds of leaders succeed or fail and almost always it goes back to one thing: how much they change their thought life.

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Family Larry Stockstill Family Larry Stockstill

My Top 7 Principles of Marriage

Marriage has to have a foundation. If it doesn’t, you will endlessly drift on the sea of culture, disappointment, and changes. I have boiled down my seven most important lessons that give Melanie and I stability now in our 40th year of marriage.

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Leadership Larry Stockstill Leadership Larry Stockstill

How To Recruit Leaders

A great deal of your success as a leader is in the ability to spot and recruit talented leaders. King David seemed to be a master at attracting and enlisting top talent (see 1 Chronicles 11-12). Your ultimate legacy will be the leaders you attracted, trained, and released as great warriors. At one time, we had 28 pastors on staff. As I travel around the nation speaking for many of them in their own churches, I am amazed to see their innovation, talent, and ability to multiply.

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Adversity, Devotion Larry Stockstill Adversity, Devotion Larry Stockstill

How To Overcome Your Personal Fear

FEAR is the biggest enemy to your future.

It comes in many forms, mainly having to do with your future: failure, rejection, lack, or death (to name a few). Abram was mighty in battle yet his deepest fear was not having a successor.

How will you overcome the fears that limit you?

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Vision Larry Stockstill Vision Larry Stockstill

Happiness is Not a Place, It's a Person

Where is “home?” God is Home.

“Real” estate is not “real.” It is like a motel room. This world is tangible but it is temporary. Set your affection on the Person of God Himself and you will enter into true happiness.

Here are a few perspectives to keep your focus correct.

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Devotion Larry Stockstill Devotion Larry Stockstill

10 Steps to Knowing the Bible Better

I’ve been concerned lately about the Biblical illiteracy in our generation.  A good friend of mine asked me, “What is an epistle?”  I told him, of course, it is the wife of an apostle! I’ve read the Bible through many times and taught each of the 66 books.

Here are my top ten suggestions for becoming a better Bible student:


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