Devotion Larry Stockstill Devotion Larry Stockstill

A Note of Sanity in a Mad Dash for THINGS

People broke through doors, overturned displays, ran through aisles and pulled down televisions on to people’s heads and into a heap on the floor.

Black Friday.  How did we go from “Seasons Greetings” to “Seasons Beatings?” 

Here are some good perspectives to keep during this most blessed season: 

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Devotion Larry Stockstill Devotion Larry Stockstill

How I Follow the Holy Spirit

I’ve been a Christian for over 55 years and a pastor for 40 years.  If I could tell you one of my greatest secrets of success, it would be learn to stay in step with the Holy Spirit. 

How do we walk with Him?

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Vision, Devotion Larry Stockstill Vision, Devotion Larry Stockstill

So You Want to be 99 and Blameless?

Someone great departed Earth last week:  Billy Graham’s spirit left his frail body and went to heaven.

He will lie in state in the U.S. Capitol this week.  All Congressional business will stop those two days. How did this simple North Carolina pastor dominate the world’s religious headlines for almost 70 years?


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Devotion Larry Stockstill Devotion Larry Stockstill

You Can Be in a War...and Never Know it

They call it stealth warfare.

Bombers that can fly without radar detection.  Special ops who can slip in and out without detection.

There is an ultimate war you may have never known was happening all around you:  spiritual warfare.

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Adversity, Devotion Larry Stockstill Adversity, Devotion Larry Stockstill

How To Overcome Your Personal Fear

FEAR is the biggest enemy to your future.

It comes in many forms, mainly having to do with your future:  failure, rejection, lack, or death (to name a few).  Abram was mighty in battle yet his deepest fear was not having a successor.

How will you overcome the fears that limit you?            

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Devotion Larry Stockstill Devotion Larry Stockstill

These 3 Things Will Turbo-Boost Your Prayer Life

“Ask, seek, knock.”

I only casually read that simple prayer formula Christ taught.  Somehow, I never realized that it can describe three very important arenas, or levels, of prayer.

If you can’t figure out why your answers to prayer seem elusive, read on.

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Devotion Larry Stockstill Devotion Larry Stockstill

5 Powerful Components to the Lord's Prayer

Prayer needs a template.

As I am typing this blog, I am using a template, a pre-arranged plan. 

You can always “pray without ceasing,”  but in order to build a strong day-to-day prayer life, you need a template.

The Lord’s prayer is a “Model Prayer.” It is not simply to be repeated.   It contains 5 “fingers” in the hand of God and gives us a template for daily prayer.   


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Holiday, Devotion Larry Stockstill Holiday, Devotion Larry Stockstill

How to Have Easter Year-Round

Easter has come again today and will be gone again tomorrow.  For many people, it is a once a year phenomenon.  I remember a child whose parents happened to come to church in October. They found him out looking for Easter eggs under the bushes at the church. 

I think I’ve hit on how to have Easter all year:  “be thankful for what Jesus did for me every day.”

Here is what goes on in my heart in my time alone with Jesus Christ every day:

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Devotion, Leadership, Integrity Larry Stockstill Devotion, Leadership, Integrity Larry Stockstill

How to Help a New Believer Succeed

As a pastor for 33 years, I often wondered why so many new believers drop out of the Christian “race.”  Their conversion is genuine but their endurance is sporadic.  It seems to me that as many as 2/3 of the conversions in our churches never connect or fall back into the world.  Where are we missing it  

Jesus told the “parable of the sower.”  It gives us the secret to our problem. 

Perhaps we should make this parable into the process by which we help believers to become fruitful disciples:

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