Adversity Larry Stockstill Adversity Larry Stockstill

5 Important Lessons from the Woman at the Well

The terrible violence in Christchurch, New Zealand, is a bell that tolls worldwide.  It raises questions of who we are and where we are. 

When Christ met a Samaritan woman at a well, those questions were answered.

Here are the relevant thoughts from the story of the “woman at the well” that speak to me about our current state of religious conflict:

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Adversity Larry Stockstill Adversity Larry Stockstill

Lessons From the Desert

“The desert is the greatest place for a miracle.”

All of us go through deserts.  It’s confusing, hopeless, and DRY.

I have good news for you:  It can also be the prime spot for a miracle.

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Adversity Larry Stockstill Adversity Larry Stockstill

How to Overcome the Accuser in a Trial

All of us go through trials.

In every trial, there is an Accuser (Prosecutor), a defendant (you!), and a Judge (God).

That trial you are walking through now has a spiritual dimension playing out behind it.  Satan, the Accuser, is seeking to capitalize on any of our many weaknesses.

Here are 5 important things you can do to overcome Satan’s pounding accusations:

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Adversity, Devotion Larry Stockstill Adversity, Devotion Larry Stockstill

How To Overcome Your Personal Fear

FEAR is the biggest enemy to your future.

It comes in many forms, mainly having to do with your future:  failure, rejection, lack, or death (to name a few).  Abram was mighty in battle yet his deepest fear was not having a successor.

How will you overcome the fears that limit you?            

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Family, Adversity Larry Stockstill Family, Adversity Larry Stockstill

5 Ways You Can Conquer Grief

Grief is real.  It doesn’t go away quickly.  It requires time, Scripture, and support.

One year ago this week, my son Jonathan lost a pre-born baby.  He and Angie’s journey included a “healing song” Jonathan wrote that has brought them through. 

Here are a few thoughts to help you in your journey of recovering from personal loss:

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Family, Adversity Larry Stockstill Family, Adversity Larry Stockstill

How to Deal with an Angry Person

ANGER seems to be at the root of the senseless violence confronting our nation today.

People are angry.  Many of them do not even know why.  Most of us have no clue how to deal with them. How would YOU deal with a monstrously angry person?

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Adversity Larry Stockstill Adversity Larry Stockstill

My Top 5 Secrets of Passing Through a Crisis

“Crisis management” is not my favorite thing.  It is, however, often thrust upon you out of nowhere.  If you knew it was coming, it wouldn’t be a crisis!

Can you keep your head in a crisis?  Do your choices lead to disaster or do they point the way forward? 

Here are the 5 top things I do for direction in one of life’s sudden, unexpected crises:


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