How to Deal With a Crisis
Leaders face crisis. Parents face crisis. Nations face crisis. Dealing with crisis correctly can mean the difference in a marriage divorcing or a war starting.
Here are four things I have learned to always do when a crisis, a trauma, a shocking development occurs:
How To Keep Yourself From Being Offended
These days, everyone is offended. Offended by a social media “like" or “dislike.” Offended by being left out of the party. Offended by politics, religion, race, referees, and a hundred other possible stumbling blocks.
How do you keep yourself from constantly being offended?
What Do You Do When Your Leader Disappears?
When Moses was gone for 40 days up the mountain, it turned into a “free for all” down below. People usually behave correctly until their leader is not around. THEN…it is up to their inner character.
Here is how you control your passions even when no one is watching:
5 Important Lessons from the Woman at the Well
The terrible violence in Christchurch, New Zealand, is a bell that tolls worldwide. It raises questions of who we are and where we are.
When Christ met a Samaritan woman at a well, those questions were answered.
Here are the relevant thoughts from the story of the “woman at the well” that speak to me about our current state of religious conflict:
7 Rules on How to Have a Good Disagreement
America has gone out of control.
Civility, respect, and honor are disappearing. Anger, vitriol, and assault have become the norm.
Here are my 7 rules on how to have a good disagreement:
How to Defeat the Challenge of Grief and Regret
Grief and regret are the twin prongs of paralysis. If you can change it, change it. If you can’t change it, move past it.
How do you defeat the challenge of grief and regret?
How to Change Your Pain into Purpose
Pain is real. Everyone feels it.
How can you turn your pain into purpose?
Stand Up Tall and Look Your Problems in the Eye
can look at some people and see defeat. They look like they have lost: Head down, shoulders slumped, eyes down.
How do you overcome your problems? Stand up straight and look them in the eye.
7 Steps to Oppression and How to Find Amazing Freedom
You fight an invisible enemy. He has a strategic plan to gradually, imperceptibly squash your joy. Ultimately, he wants to control your will.
I want to show you first how he takes control. Then, I will show you how to find freedom!
How to Confront the 500-Pound Gorilla in Your Life (Confrontation, pt. 2)
We all put off confrontation. We hide from people we should confront. We have imaginary conversations with them we never get the guts to have.
How do you resolve your worst confrontation scenario?
How to Confront People with a Positive Result
Confrontation is critical.
All good, true relationships have it.
The question is, “Can you confront someone with a positive result?”
Lessons From the Desert
“The desert is the greatest place for a miracle.”
All of us go through deserts. It’s confusing, hopeless, and DRY.
I have good news for you: It can also be the prime spot for a miracle.
Parkland: Why it Happened and How to Change it
It happened again. 17 students killed, many wounded. Something has to change. We are the strongest nation in the world but weakest in controlling killers.
God has a solution.
How to Overcome the Accuser in a Trial
All of us go through trials.
In every trial, there is an Accuser (Prosecutor), a defendant (you!), and a Judge (God).
That trial you are walking through now has a spiritual dimension playing out behind it. Satan, the Accuser, is seeking to capitalize on any of our many weaknesses.
Here are 5 important things you can do to overcome Satan’s pounding accusations:
How To Overcome Your Personal Fear
FEAR is the biggest enemy to your future.
It comes in many forms, mainly having to do with your future: failure, rejection, lack, or death (to name a few). Abram was mighty in battle yet his deepest fear was not having a successor.
How will you overcome the fears that limit you?
Fiery Trials: What They Are and How To Navigate Them
They call it the “baptism by fire.” Fire is pressure. Fire is refinement. Fire transforms.
It may be happening to you. Don’t worry, join the crowd.
Here are some things to remember about this process of refinement:
5 Ways You Can Conquer Grief
Grief is real. It doesn’t go away quickly. It requires time, Scripture, and support.
One year ago this week, my son Jonathan lost a pre-born baby. He and Angie’s journey included a “healing song” Jonathan wrote that has brought them through.
Here are a few thoughts to help you in your journey of recovering from personal loss:
The Three Powerful Secrets of Overcoming Every Temptation
Temptation is real. It is bigger than me, but not bigger than Christ. He faced every temptation I do, yet was never defeated.
What were His three secrets to overcoming temptation?
Snakes in the Temple: How to Spot a False Prophet
Jesus said deception would be rampant in the final days of this age. That deception will culminate in the “Beast” (the Antichrist) and the “False Prophet.”
What are some of the warning signs of a false prophet, a “wolf in sheep’s clothing?”
How to Deal with an Angry Person
ANGER seems to be at the root of the senseless violence confronting our nation today.
People are angry. Many of them do not even know why. Most of us have no clue how to deal with them. How would YOU deal with a monstrously angry person?