My Christmas Prayer
During this holiday season, I like to spend time with the “5 F’s”: “friends, family, food, fishing, and football!”
I also like to take time to give thanks to God for one other “F”: Fellowship.
Knowing God is amazing. Worshipping God is better. Hearing from God is the best!
How to Keep the CHEER in Christmas
I’ve pastored long enough to know the mood swings of the holidays: cheer, euphoria, laughter and loneliness, regret, and depression.
How can you prepare for the “swings of the season?” Try these six remedies:
4 Major Tools That Will Help You to Forgive
All of us face hurt.
Some of us choose to forgive.
The rest of us live in bitterness.
How do you “forgive and forget?” We have a pretty good Example.
Jesus prayed, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
You will hopelessly hold on to hurt until you realize what He knew:
Forgiveness becomes easier when we realize our hurt is really Satan vs. God. People are just caught in the middle.”
How do you “forgive and forget?” We have a pretty good Example.
Here are 4 perspectives that will help you to forgive:
My Top 7 Principles of Marriage
Marriage has to have a foundation. If it doesn’t, you will endlessly drift on the sea of culture, disappointment, and changes. I have boiled down my seven most important lessons that give Melanie and I stability now in our 40th year of marriage.
The 5 Things That Make Some People Magnetic
Do you ever wonder why some leaders are magnetic and others are not? Is the “it” factor something you can learn? Is it a skill that can be developed? I believe it is.
How to Organize Your Life
Therefore, I can help you learn how a disorganized person can become…mainly organized!
Family Nights: How to Make Them Unforgettable
I have noticed that children and parents seem to be drifting apart. Weeks go by with little conversation or interaction. My father-in-law, Jim Clark, taught me the greatest secret to raising kids: the “family night.”
My Top 5 Secrets to Enjoying Life
Why are people making more, owning more, and interacting more…and enjoying it less?
Engagement: The Secret to a Lifetime of Love
Everyone knows that when you decide to marry you get engaged.
You Can Walk Your Way to Confidence
It’s true: Most of us don’t exercise.
We talk about it, think about it, and hear about it. The problem is, it is still a million miles away from us doing it.
The 3 Most Important Things You Get From a Father
“Fathering is not just a ROLE, it is a FOUNDATION.”
Raising Kids is Simple With These 12 Powerful Rules
Melanie and I have six children, all married, with 16 grandchildren and 2 on the way.
10 Irrefutable Signs That You Are Finally Growing Up
Ephesians 4 and 5 give us 10 indicators that you are finally starting to “grow up.”
These 5 Areas Will Help You Restore Your Sense Of Self-Control
Here are some things that restore my sense of sanity, balance, and predictability.
4 Ways To Turn A Colossal Failure Into Confident Freedom
Here are a three things to know about regaining your confidence after a colossal failure.
Why Simple Faith Actually Makes Moving A Mountain Easier Than You Think
Everybody knows we need faith to please God. We need faith to get answers to prayer. How do we get it? How do we use it?
These 5 Things Can Actually Prevent A Personal Meltdown
It seems that almost daily we are hearing of another personal crash: moral, financial, marital, or physical.
4 Powerful Lessons On The Blessing Of Pouring Yourself Out
Is happiness in life found by having no need or in meeting other’s needs?
The Blame Game Absolutely Never Works And Here’s How To Change
I’m amazed at how quickly someone gets fired as soon as there is a failure. We have become experts at the “art of blaming.”
Try This One Word That Will Absolutely End Marriage Conflict
How can we apply this incredible truth about Christ toward our marriages and relationships?