Run your race because that is the definition of success
Focus and clarity have become the new currency of our time. Runners know their lane and see their goal. Here are four things to help you find your purpose and run to the end.
Purpose in life is very easy to discover. It’s only one thing.
Why does your life feel so random? Could it be you are looking for a higher purpose? “Glorify His Name.”
How can you find a greater victory than Christ rising from the dead?
A national championship or Olympic medal is sweet. But it is temporary. It must be won again.
Christ won an eternal battle the day He stepped out of the grave. A battle for all humanity.
Does the economy have you frightened? “Under His wings” is a better way
Don’t be frightened of the upheaval in banking, inflation, and borrowing. “Under His wings” is where you need to stay.
Everybody needs favor. How good are you at giving it and receiving it?
You know how good it feels for someone to do you a “favor.” A “favor” is unexpected, undeserved, and maybe not even imagined. God is a God of “favor.” He delights in being compassionate, generous, merciful, and gracious.
Feelings of inadequacy can easily be overcome with these four principles:
Moses was a great leader. However, he suffered from very low self-esteem, and his past failures haunted him and kept him hiding in the desert. How did he overcome inadequacy/
Be sure to open the last package of the day…the one marked “free gift from God”
Whatever you do, don’t fail to open the last present. It has eternal impact and it is directly from God.
How To Win the Battle Over Personal Insecurity
Insecurity is a silent enemy.
It ruins your relationships. It limits your leadership. It shows up in every decision. In essence, it is coloring your entire world.
How do you recognize it and conquer it?
How Your Mind is Controlling Your Destiny
Fear and timidity can paralyze you. Anxiety can control your every decision. Confusion can totally derail your life’s focus. The mind is the battleground of life. You will inevitably face storms and crisis. Your mind will be pressed to the breaking point. How do you persevere until the sun breaks through again?
4 Reasons Marriages Fail and How to Fix Them
For a lot of couples, changing seasons is a difficult time. They celebrate one more year but inwardly they know their marriage seems to be failing. Often, marriages that seem outwardly successful are privately failing. How can you fix a failing marriage?
Here Is How Loyalty Can Become Your Worst Enemy Or Your Greatest Ally
Have you ever been caught between two loyalties? Chances are, you are not in a “test”: you are in a “trap.”
Nothing destroys relationships like divided loyalties.
Look back over the people who used to be your closest friends. Now, somehow, you no longer speak.
How did it happen? Misplaced loyalties.
Your Foundation is How to Change Your Future
All failure is foundational. Whether it is your marriage, your ministry, or your money, it all comes down to one issue: “foundation repair.”
Jesus said that a wise man “digs deep” and builds on a foundation. A foolish man builds on the sand.
10 Secrets That Will Fire Up Your Marriage
Millions of marriages are smoldering. The passion is gone. The fire is almost out. The excitement and astonishment left years ago. Marriages go through stages as Jesus said: “hot, cold, and lukewarm.” I’ve been married for over 40 years and I’m sure I have been through all three of them! If your marriage needs some “hot sauce,” I can help you with that.
How to Marry the Right Person for Life
Everywhere I go, people ask me, “How can I marry someone, like Melanie, who will stay together with me for a lifetime?” Over 40 years together with her, I think I can help you in that.
My Top 10 Commandments of Love
Everyone has read 1 Corinthians 13. Most Christians know it as the love chapter. I’ve read it a hundred times but struggle to DO IT. The words seem to blend into a beautiful picture, like a work of art. The problem, however, is if I just LOOK at it but can’t implement it. I looked at 1 Cor. 13 a different way the other day.
Are You Resting Right?
Everyone is in a panic. We operate more on adrenaline than anointing! We have pressures, commitments, deadlines, obligations, possessions and relationships that require continual maintenance. It reminds me of my first time snow skiing (a big deal for a Louisiana resident). I made it fine on the ski lift, but the moment my skis turned “south” I realized the first principle of snow skiing: “It is downhill and slightly out of control!”
My Top 5 Secrets of Communication
We can put people on the moon but we can’t get cell phones to work everywhere. Communication runs our world now. From social media to digital cable, Internet, and (of course) smartphones, we all have to learn to communicate better.
Why Your Husband's Greatest Need is to be Respected
As I talk to men around the country, most of their marriage issues center around one word: “respect.” They perceive that their wife’s words are demeaning and they go into shutdown mode.
As a husband, let me give you my thoughts on why this is and how to repair that tension!
How to Stop the Fighting in Your Family
How many times do couples fight per year? A British insurance survey said 2,455 (that’s 7 per day!).
Out of 28 sources of fights, I picked out 10:
Why People Get Lonely after They Are Married
People think that when they get married they will “never be lonely again.” Wrong.
Loneliness in marriage is predictable. The longer you live together, the less you feel the need to talk. No wonder so many empty-nesters divorce after their kids leave: the silence is deafening. What causes it and how do we cure it?