Eight amazing words that define your life identity (pt. 1)
“I am Joseph.” Those three simple words, spoken in Egypt by Joseph to his brothers, described his entire identity. In this two-part identity series, we will discover the roots of who YOU are and how to heal your identity issues.
How God’s love can shine through your tough times
A lot of Christians throw up their hands in despair during tough times. Here are four ways to let tough times open you up to God’s love being “poured out” within you!
This is how courage is the gateway to your destiny
Courage is tough. Without it, you will never step through the door of your destiny.
These five areas need a breakthrough in 2024
As we look ahead to 2024, here are five areas we need to pray about, focus on, and believe together for a breakthrough this New Year!
Here are four sure-fire reasons to know that God loves you.
Your greatest battle in any battle is to keep yourself convinced that God loves you. Here are four things to remind yourself of His love for you in any situation.
These four secrets will eliminate “strife in your life.”
We have to be ruthless to remove strife in our lives. How do you do it? Try these four secrets for a “strife-free life.”
Divine rest is so much better than a life of stress
You can either stress or rest about every situation. Here are four ways to guarantee you stay in God’s Divine rest…
Do you believe God can miraculously heal even THAT relationship?
Can God heal ANY relationship? Of course, He can! Here are five steps to the supernatural recovery of a coveted relationship that has resisted restoration…
In these crazy times, I love the four elements of “The Prayer of Peace”
We are living in a crazy world. Here are the four parts of the “Prayer of Peace” to pray every day…
Catch these five little foxes to improve your relationships instantly
Your relationships are like a vineyard. There are five “little foxes” who are always trying to nibble away at the roots of those precious vines. Here is who they are and how to keep them out of your most personal relationships.
How to have a mighty river of joy when you don’t feel a trickle
Joy comes from your spirit, not your feelings. Here is how to get rivers of joy moving even when emotions are down…
The high cost of complaining and how to quit paying for it.
Complaining seems innocent enough. In fact, most of us think we never do it. Actually, we do, and we are paying a high price for it. Here’s how to break that habit…
Here are five good reasons to break the habit of looking backward
Looking backward is a habit. It involves fear, regret, and a host of negative things. Try these 5 things to break the habit and become a forward-looker!
Here are four ways to get better at passing the "test of rest."
All of us live and work in pressurized environments. Here are four ways to pass the “test of rest” daily.
Need your prayer life to jump-start? Try praying these four prayers every day
Prayer can be hard if you don’t know where to start. Why not start with four prayers God inspired in Scripture for you to pray?
Want to know the secret to all relationships? “Little things add up”
We have lost the secret to all relationships: that small, practical help meeting needs changes your world.
Hearing from God is a simple matter of learning how to listen.
We make hearing from much too complicated. God is speaking, and we need to be hearing. Here are four delivery systems God uses for you to hear His voice:
Do These 5 Things to be an Outstanding Father
Fathering is a heart connection.
Parenting is more than proximity. It is the power to encourage, comfort, and urge your child to win.
Here are the 5 main things to equip you for this lifelong project:
Here are four powerful ways to come up out of the deepest valley
I’m sure you have walked through some deep valleys. We all have, and you may be in the middle of one right now.
Dealing with a thorn in your side? Here are four ways to defeat it for good.
You can’t ignore a thorn or a splinter in your skin. It doesn’t get better, and it doesn’t go away. You have to “deal with it.”