One simple shift will help you overcome sin.
Overcoming sin is a lifelong battle. How do you win that battle over your most challenging sin to defeat? Try these five things Paul told us would give us victory.
How to affair-proof your life
Cheating on a spouse is a huge problem. Here are five clear things that will help you to keep from ever crossing that bridge.
These five things teach you how to choose friends.
There is nothing like close friends providing support in your life. Here are five key observations to help you choose your close friends wisely.
These seven things show you how to walk in love
Walking in love is a challenge. Try these seven headlines that will refine your love walk...
Do you want to win? Learn how to fight!
A lot of people think Satan and situations will go away. They won't. Here are four things to stir you up to fight the enemy before he destroys your life.
I love the seven blessings of Psalm 23
Psalm 23 is a feast of blessings. Here are seven things Jesus, our Shepherd, does for us daily.
Amazing things happen when you change your mindset.
Mindsets determine success. I have found four main mindsets that must change before you can conquer any circumstance successfully.
This is how God turns defeats into amazing victory.
When people face great disappointment and loss, they need hope that God will turn it around. If that is you, follow this track God uses to turn your failure into a miracle of victory!
Here’s how to think until the trouble is over.
All of us go through troubles, and sometimes we feel like we are drowning in them. Here are five thoughts to think “until the trouble is over.”
I found the 10 greatest reasons to praise the Lord
Psalm 150, the last psalm, gives us ten huge reasons to praise the Lord. Let these ten things lift you up into the Shekinah glory of God’s throne!
We can change our great nation, one leader at a time
Our nation is desperately looking for direction. Pastors are sorely needed in helping America navigate our divisions and upheaval. Here is how you can help us to train pastors “one leader at a time.”
Here are seven reasons I know that God is good
We should be totally convinced about God's goodness. Here are seven reasons to never doubt God’s goodness!
How to unleash the four mighty laws of agreement
Agreement is like a “symphony.” God wants you, your spouse, your family, your marriage, and your church to come together in the four laws of agreement!
How to succeed in something you’ve never done
Joshua was looking at a huge challenge: a new land to conquer! Here are four principles of being successful at any new endeavor you are beginning…
How to deal with something bigger than you
Our challenges usually look like “giants” to us. Here are five perspectives of overcoming the biggest obstacles…
This Father’s Day, the desire of God’s heart is to carry you.
One of my greatest images of my Father was him carrying me on his shoulders. I want to sense that same love and security from my Father God…
How to LISTEN better when you love to talk
Listening before talking is the greatest secret to success. Try these four tips that will change your business, your relationships, and our world…
Stability is the number one need right now.
I was in a tall building when an earthquake hit. It felt a lot like the unstable times we are living in right now.
This Memorial Day reminds me of four important thoughts.
This Memorial Day should be different as we focus on national unity, patriotism, prayer, and honoring our heroes.
Bearing fruit for Christ is these 5 easy things
Bearing fruit for God is easier than you think. Go through these five thoughts as a “checklist” for why your life is not bearing the spiritual fruit you think it should!