7 Things That Make Giving Amazing
I recently saw a bombed out home in Syria that was rebuilt by generosity and given back over to a widow and her children. The thrill of seeing this devastated, war-ravaged family dancing for joy was an amazing experience.
Why is it that when it is time to give to others we usually think, “Oh, brother…” instead of “Oh, boy!”?
How to Watch Over Your Heart Like a Hawk
“The heart of the issue is an issue of the heart.”
Somebody’s heart has gotten hard. Somebody’s heart has become selfish or impure. It may be MINE.
Here are 7 areas I try to continually look into the mirror of Scripture so I can watch over my heart like a hawk:
Never, Never Stop When You Hit the First Wall
Have you ever gotten all revved up to make a change, charged forward, and hit a major wall? Most people stop right there. How do you survive the FIRST WALL?
Check out these steps to make an amazing life breakthrough that changes your entire life:
The 5 Things That Make Some People Magnetic
Do you ever wonder why some leaders are magnetic and others are not? Is the “it” factor something you can learn? Is it a skill that can be developed? I believe it is.
Here are my top 5 skills to personal magnetism:
Laughing More is the Greatest Power to Change Your World
Let’s face it: people are way too serious right now. The weight of the world is dampening the bravest spirit. Sometimes, laughing is the last thing you think of.
Here are some reasons for that and how to change your perspective:
How to Make Your Way Out of Tight Places
I was on the inside seat of an airplane recently. It’s my least favorite place. On top of that, I tried in vain to pull my sweater off. I felt trapped, really trapped, in a “tight place.”
Are you in a tight place financially, emotionally, or relationally?
Here are some good thoughts that will definitely help you get out of that “jam”:
7 Wonderful Reasons Getting Older is a Good Thing
Everyone is petrified of getting “old.” Instead, the Bible says, “Abraham died in a GOOD OLD AGE, an old man and full of years…” (Gen. 25:8)
In other words, getting older is not a bad thing…it’s a GOOD thing!
Consider these 7 wonderful things about getting older:
Why Communication is the Hardest Work You Ever Do
“Communication.” It’s the hardest work you will ever do.
Here are my five (current!) “foolproof” hacks that will help you make sure your “communication” is not a “miscommunication”:
Every Day Has to Be Your "A" Game
Do you ever wake up in the morning and feel like, “Today, I will bring my “B” or “C" game. Yesterday was great but today will only be average”?
Here are a my top 6 secrets to consistently bring my “A” game and make a difference in the world!:
The Why Will Lead You to the Way
This is not an original statement with me. However, it has shaped my life greatly.
As you start into a new year, have you discovered the “why” behind all of your goals, planning, and purposes?
This subtle, simple shift can mean the difference between total life change and miserable failure.
Here are some examples:
These 5 Things Will Positively Change Your New Year
“New” is not just a position on a calendar. It is a total frame of mind. It clears out all your mistakes. It opens up new possibilities for you and can reset your relationships.
Think about becoming “brand new” in these 5 important areas:
My Christmas Prayer
During this holiday season, I like to spend time with the “5 F’s”: “friends, family, food, fishing, and football!”
I also like to take time to give thanks to God for one other “F”: Fellowship.
This Christmas week, I listed a few things I would like to say to Him:
How to Keep the CHEER in Christmas
I’ve pastored long enough to know the mood swings of the holidays: cheer, euphoria, laughter and loneliness, regret, and depression.
How can you prepare for the “swings of the season?” Try these six remedies:
How to Plan Out Your Amazing 2019
Intentionality is so critical. Reactionary life never goes anywhere.
Why not be intentional about your plan for next year? I like to put a plan in place to have the best year ever.
Here are my top four areas:
These 7 Powerful Questions WILL Improve Your Marriage
How’s it going in your marriage? Are you drifting? Losing ground? Fearful of your future together?
We all love to evaluate.
Here are seven questions that have really helped me with my marriage:
A Note of Sanity in a Mad Dash for THINGS
People broke through doors, overturned displays, ran through aisles and pulled down televisions on to people’s heads and into a heap on the floor.
Black Friday. How did we go from “Seasons Greetings” to “Seasons Beatings?”
Here are some good perspectives to keep during this most blessed season:
Want People to Trust You? Do these 10 Things...
TRUST is affecting everything in your life: your leadership, marriage, business, parenting, and legacy.
What are the main areas that make people trust you?
3 Simple Thoughts That Will Energize all Your Relationships
Relationships get shallow and boring. We may live together but drift apart. We lose the excitement and energy we once had.
You can ENERGIZE every relationship with three simple principles:
5 Qualities I Look For in the Greatest Leaders
Everybody leads something: their family, their children, their business, their community their church…or themselves.
Paul spoke about “faithful leaders.” He listed their 5 greatest qualities to his spiritual son, Timothy (2 Tim. 2).
Check out how you measure up:
7 Rules on How to Have a Good Disagreement
America has gone out of control.
Civility, respect, and honor are disappearing. Anger, vitriol, and assault have become the norm.